Bayview and John Visioning Exercise
What are we doing?
The City is undertaking a visioning exercise for the Thornhill Local Centre located in the Bayview Avenue and John Street area, to determine potential new public roads, multi-use connections including, but not limited to, active transportation network, local trail and new public parks, and an assessment for the need for additional community services and commercial amenities to support an appropriate mix of land uses needed to support future growth.
The City has scheduled three topic-specific public and stakeholder consultation meetings to seek input into the visioning exercise.
Why are we doing it?
On February 7, 2024, the Development Services Committee directed Staff to undertake a visioning exercise for the Bayview Avenue and John Street area that to identify potential new public roads, multi-use connections including, but not limited to, active transportation network, local trail network, new public parks, and an assessment for the need for additional community services and commercial amenities to support an appropriate mix of land uses for the Subject Area.
On June 25, 2024, the DSC endorsed a proposed work plan to complete the visioning exercise and further directed Staff to facilitate a community engagement process comprised of a series of three topic-specific meetings on various aspects of the plan to seek public input on the visioning work.
What area is being studied?
The Bayview Avenue and John Street Area is a key development corridor of Thornhill and contains an important local node (Thornhill Local Centre) that serves as a focal point for the surrounding community and a stable Employment Area east of the CN Rail corridor, which are essential in achieving appropriate levels of employment in the community. Existing notable cultural and natural heritage resources, including the resources on the Shouldice Hospital property, are also found in the Area. The Bayview Avenue and John Street Area has an existing and well-developed network of parks and open space, a range of housing types, employment opportunities, and places that offer shopping and personal and human services.
The City has identified opportunities for this area to evolve, which requires further analysis of the existing road and active transportation network including new public and or private streets and more connectivity for pedestrians and cyclists. The overall visioning area is bound by Drake Park to the north, the CN Rail Corridor to the south, the Employment Lands and the Otto townhouse development to the east, the Shouldice Hospital and Glynnwood Retirement Residence to the west across Bayview Avenue.
Aerial Photo of Bayview Avenue/John Street Visioning Area