Planning for Markham’s Growth to 2051
York Region has prepared a Forecast for population and employment growth in Markham to 2051 and we want to hear your thoughts!
How does the York Region Forecast affect me?
York Region is preparing a new Regional Official Plan to manage growth to 2051. A key component of the new Regional Official Plan is a new forecast for the population and employment growth expected in the Region. The Region’s forecast distributes the population and employment growth assigned to it by the Province to the nine municipalities in the Region, including Markham.
The proposed forecast assumes Markham will have a population of 619,200 people and 309,200 jobs by 2051.
This means that between 2016 - 2051 the City would need to plan for:
- A population increase of 280,100 people
- An additional 97,000 housing units
- An additional 127,200 jobs
New housing units in intensification areas such as Markham Centre and the Langstaff Gateway are expected to accommodate just over half of the population growth.
More land in north Markham (about 1,500 hectares of Countryside lands) will be needed to accommodate a portion of the remaining expected growth.
Markham's Growth Areas
How can I learn more about and comment on the proposed Forecast?
York Region released its Proposed 2051 Forecast and Land Needs Assessment in a report to Regional Council on March 18, 2021. The Region is now seeking input on the proposed forecast from local municipalities and the public.
An overview of the proposed forecast and land needs assessment, and what it means for Markham was provided in a City staff report to Markham’s Development Services Committee (DSC) on April 19, 2021.
Markham staff are seeking feedback on the Region’s proposed Forecast to 2051 before reporting back to Markham Council with comments in June 2021.
Have your say!
Virtual Community Information Meeting | Thursday, May 27 | 6:30 to 8:30 PM
Thank you for joining us at this virtual Community Information Meeting to learn more and share your thoughts on York Region’s proposed Forecast to 2051. If you missed the meeting, you can watch a video recording (below) or download the presentations from the "Document Library" on the right side of this page.
Written comments or requests to be added to the notification list for meetings or reports to Council can be sent to the contacts listed under the "Who's Listening" section on the right side of this page.