Vanessa Minassian - Acting

Artist Name: Vanessa Minassian

Performance Category: Acting

Artist Bio: My name is Vanessa Minassian, I recently turned 17 years old, and I go to Unionville High School. My acting journey started by taking drama in Grade 9. The course really helped me open up to others and express myself. I am inspired through films and musicals. In Grade 10, I was an Assistant Stage Manager, in charge of music and sound effects, for “The Wizard Of Oz” production. In Grade 11, I was in the chorus for the musical “The Drowsy Chaperone”. For this contest, I have submitted a dramatic monologue, called “Protective Shield” by Joseph Arnone. It is about a girl, named Rita, who
talks to her friend about how she has a difficult time opening up to people she cares about. This monologue is not selfwritten, though through this piece, I can relate to the character and her struggles as a young female. I hope you enjoy this performance and for the message to be something we can all reflect on and relate to. Anxiety can be a struggle for many of us, especially during these uncertain times.

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