Pop-up Off-Leash Dog Area Pilot Program
How many Pop-Up Dog Parks are there?
The 2023 Pop-up Off-Leash Dog Area Pilot Program includes eight sites, one in each ward.
What is the purpose of the Pilot Program?
The objective of the Pilot Program is to provide eight pilot off-leash dog areas in order to provide Markham residents with greater access to off-leash dog areas in the short-term, while the City advances an Off-Leash Dog Area Policy and Implementation Plan.
What is a "Pilot Program"?
In the City of Markham, a “Pilot Program” is approved by Local Councillors and designed to be rapid and collect additional public input during the pilot program, including feedback from local residents, off-leash dog park users and everyone affected by the off-leash dog areas (including schools, business, etc.).
How were the Pop-Up Dog Parks locations chosen?
A review and evaluation of potential off-leash dog area pilot sites was completed for each ward. Staff developed a site selection criteria, based on best practices to assess the suitability of various locations and inform the final recommendation of pilot sites. The Site Selection Criteria reviewed: Natural Environment, Site Size, Site Setbacks, Site Access, Surface Condition, Parking and the Potential for a Permanent Off-Leash Dog Area.
There is some vacant land in my neighbourhood, could a Pop-Up Dog Park be located there?
In most cases, vacant land is privately owned and not available to be used by the City for a Pop-Up Dog Park. As part of this Pilot Project, all vacant land owned by the City was reviewed to be a potential site for a Pop-Up Dog Park. Unfortunately, many vacant sites owned by the City are not suitable for a Pop-Up Dog Park.
Some vacant lands are owned by Utility Companies and the City has made efforts to determine if a Pop-Up Dog Park could be placed on these lands by creating agreements with the land owners. At this time, there are no Pop-Up Dog Park proposed for land not owned by the City due to cost constrains.
Can I recommend a location for a Pop-Up Dog Park?
Yes! Please email(External link) your suggestions to the City's Parks Planning team who will review the site using the Site Selection Criteria.
Please note the City uses a site selection criteria that reviews multiple aspects of: natural environment, site size, site setbacks, site access, surface condition, available parking, and potential to become a permanent off-leash dog area. For this reason many sites do not meet the site selection criteria and will not be considered.
Do the "Guidelines for Permanent Dog Off-Leash Areas" apply to Pop-Up Dog Parks?
No. The guidelines established in "The Guidelines for Permanent Dog Off-Leash Areas" (2008) do not apply to the 2023 Pop-up Off-Leash Dog Area Pilot Program.
The Leash Free Markham Committee, identified in "The Guidelines for Permanent Dog Off-Leash Areas" (2008) as the group responsible for the development and operation of off-leash dog areas, was dissolved by the City Council in January 2015.
Additionally, the guidelines outlined in the "The Guidelines for Permanent Dog Off-Leash Areas" (2008) for off-leash dog locations do not address the growing need for easily accessible off-leash areas and fail to promote walkable neighbourhoods.
Who do I contact to report any animal related concerns?
To report any animal related concern (domestic or wildlife) please call Animal Care Services at 905-415-7531 or email customerservice@markham.ca(External link)
When visiting a Pop-Up Dog Park can I walk with my dog off-leash until I get to the dog park?
No. All dogs in the City of Markham must be leashed at all times in public places unless inside of the gated off-leash dog area. Walking though public parks, sidewalks, paths, parking lots, school grounds, etc., with a dog off-leash is not permitted. Having a dog off-leash in public spaces can result in fines being issued by Animal Services.
What time are Dog Parks open?
All City of Markham Dog Parks including the Pop-Up Dog Parks are open between the hours of 6 AM and 11 PM. Dog Parks are open every day of the week unless closed for maintenance.
Can coyotes be relocated away from parks?
The capture and relocation of coyotes more than one kilometer away is not permitted under Ontario's Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act. Research shows wildlife relocated from urban areas usually return home or become a problem elsewhere. In addition, when coyotes are hunted or lethally destroyed, remaining ones compensate by producing larger litters and expanding their range. Only in rare cases where an individual coyote is demonstrating unusual / aggressive behaviour or severe trauma or illness do animal control agencies attempt to capture coyotes.
What should I do if I find a sick or injured wild animal?
To report any animal related concern (domestic or wildlife) please call Animal Care Services at 905-415-7531 or email customerservice@markham.ca(External link)