Traffic Calming of Main Street Markham (between Bullock Drive and 16th Avenue)

Updated as of January 7, 2025
The City of Markham is the fourth largest municipality in the Greater Toronto Area with 353,000 residents. The City has seen rapid population growth in recent years and is anticipating a continuation of this trend. This growth presents the City with a set of issues and challenges for the transportation network.
Main Street Markham, between Bullock Drive and 16th Avenue, is a four-lane undivided collector road with sidewalks on both sides of the road. The posted speed limit is 50 km/h and there are no shared or dedicated bike lanes. Three (3) locations have traffic signal control along the corridor that are at Bullock Drive, 16th Avenue and Ramona Boulevard. The surrounding lands are a mix of residential, with some commercial uses with direct access to Main Street. The main trip generators in the study area include Markham GO Station, Markham Fire Station 97, Buddhist Prajna Temple, St. Dimitrija Solunski Macedonian Orthodox Church, and Station Plaza Shopping Mall.
Within the study area, there are ongoing traffic safety concerns. Such concerns have been expressed by the local community in an effort to improve safety and overall quality of life.
Although the posted speed limit is 50 km/h at this section, the actual operating speed is in the range of 60 to 70 km/h. Between 2015 and mid-2023, a total of 68 collisions occurred throughout the corridor with a frequency of approximately eight (8) collisions per year. No fatal injuries occurred along the corridor during the analysis period; however, the high frequency of collisions demonstrates the need to address existing problems and concerns for all road users. This study is intended to improve safety through the development and implementation of effective traffic calming measures.
Project Objective
The main objectives of this project are to:
- Identify traffic operational safety concerns along the corridor;
- reduce vehicle speeds and traffic volume through traffic calming strategies;
- maintain access and mobility for all;
- enhance safety for pedestrians and cyclists;
- improve overall community safety for those living in and visiting the City;
- receive public input on existing conditions and recommendations; and
- implement the Preferred Option.
Get Involved
We value your input in the development of effective traffic calming measures and ensuring the safety of those using Main Street Markham. Two (2) Public Information Centres (PIC) will be held over the course of the project. PIC #1 was held on January 29th, 2024, from 6pm to 8pm at the Markham Village Community Hall with 60 attendees. The PIC was presented in an open house format providing an overview of existing conditions, range of traffic calming measures, alternative traffic calming options being considered for Main Street (Options 1 to 3), and project next steps. Option 1 was presented as the Recommended Preferred Conceptual Design with a 2-lane cross section and protected bike lanes in each direction.
Following review of public comments received at PIC #1 and further study of Main Street, an Option 4 was developed and is the Revised Recommended Preferred Option to be presented at PIC #2. This option has a 3-lane cross section with a single through-lane per direction, a 2-way centre left-turn lane, and uni-directional bike lanes. This option also proposes lowering the speed limit on this section of Main Street to 40 km/h. The Bullock Drive and 16th Avenue intersections will not be affected, including the approaches to the intersections.
PIC #2 is scheduled for Thursday, May 23, 2024, from 6:00pm to 8:00pm to be held at the following location:
Markham Village Community Centre (Lounge)
6041 Highway 7
Markham, ON L3P 3A7
A Notice of PIC #2 will be sent out to stakeholders and members of the public, and is also posted on this website.
Other Ways to Get Involved
- Stay updated: Save this website to your browser favourites.
- Provide your feedback: Contact the Project Managers listed on the sidebar and provide your feedback or ask questions you may have regarding the project.
References / Links to Supporting Information
- City of Markham Traffic Safety Information:
- Canadian Guide to Traffic Calming, 2018:
- FHWA Road Diet Informational Guide, 2014:
- City of Markham Active Transportation Master Plan, 2021: