City of Markham Urban Forest Management Plan
Trees and green space play an essential role in our everyday lives. The City of Markham’s urban forest encompasses approximately 3.29 million trees, covering approximately 20% of the City’s landscape. (Markham Forest Study 2022: Technical Report.)
Our urban forest comprises various young and old trees and various species, including the Bur Oak (Quercus macrocarpa), the official tree of the City of Markham. To ensure our urban forest continues to develop and thrive, the City is developing an urban forest management plan (UFMP).
How can you participate in developing the Urban Forest Management Plan?
Residents, students, environmental advocates, property owners, stakeholders, industry, and interested groups are welcome to participate in developing the management plan through two phases of engagement. This includes the Urban Forest Management Survey and an upcoming engagement session.
Complete the UFMP Survey - The survey is now CLOSED, thank you to all those who participated.
The community is welcome to attend one of two upcoming public information sessions, which will be held both virtually (online) and in-person. The consulting firm, Kuntz Forestry Consulting Inc. and consortium members, will be providing a presentation on the Benefits of Trees (presented by Dr. David Nowak), followed by a Progress Update on the Urban Forest Management Plan (presented by John McNeil of McNeil Urban Forestry Inc.).
Virtual (online): Tuesday, November 12th – 6pm to register visit the following link:
In-Person: Thursday, November 14th – arrive by 5:45pm (6pm start, 8pm closing) – hosted at Markham Museum (transportation hall)
For those attending the in-person session on November 14th, an additional opportunity to engage with the consulting team will be made available. Various engagement stations will be set up to garner your support.
We look forward to the support of the community as we develop this important strategic initiative.
What is an Urban Forest Management Plan?
The City of Markham is developing its first 20-year urban forest management plan. The Plan will provide strategic guidance on how to best manage all public and privately owned trees, soils, and community ecosystems to enhance and enrich the urban forest's various environmental, social, health, and economic benefits. This includes every tree in our City, including those found in our yards, streets, ravines, and parks.
What will the Urban Forest Management Plan identify?
The Urban Forest Management Plan will review tree protection measures, community engagement and understanding of the urban forest, canopy coverage and tree equity targets, tree planting volumes, juvenile and mature tree maintenance, soil volumes for successful growing conditions, and more. Reviewing various themes and topics will develop the recommendations, inform a sustainable budget for managing the Urban Forest and provide continued service excellence for our Markham communities.

How will the Urban Forest Management Plan be developed?
Through a best practices review, collaboration with various city departments and municipal partners, a public survey and a future engagement session, the City will develop a long-term, planned vision with multiple goals, recommendations, and targets. The City aims to provide all Markham residents with a sustainable, well-maintained, and equitable urban forest.
Why develop an Urban Forest Management Plan now?
Given forecasted climate change, The City will likely experience critical challenges in the growth of the urban forest canopy. It increases to extreme weather events, difficult growing conditions, increased invasive pests and pathogens, and continued development pressures facing the City over the next 20 years.
The City is focusing on the management of the urban forest. New development, as well as population increase, will significantly impact the City’s urban forest as additional subdivisions and infrastructure will be developed, and intensification will be required within the existing urbanized areas.
Are City woodlots included in the management plan strategy?
In unison, the City is developing a Woodlot Management Plan to develop short—and long-range strategies for municipally owned and managed woodlots. Recommendations for proposed improvements and restoration efforts will be identified to best guide these spaces' maintenance, care, and enhancement.
When can residents expect the Urban Forest Management Plan to be completed?
The Urban Forest Management Plan is expected to be finalized in Q1 of 2025.