Working in the YSpace
30 years old | Lives downtown Toronto | Tech Worker | Drives to work in Markham Centre | Foodie
Hi, I’m David. I work at York University in the new Markham Innovation Hub call YSpace. We focus on supporting local entrepreneurs in both the technology as well as food retail space by providing incubation space, expertise mentorship, and access to various resources. I drive to work daily because I often have meetings and events across the City.
I live in Downtown Toronto and it takes me roughly 30 minutes with minimal or no traffic and up to an hour during rush hours. I would take transit if it were easier. Simply put, transit to Markham Centre is difficult, especially in the winter! There are multiple options but it requires either multiple fares, long walking distances, or wait times. There needs to be more frequency with the VIVA system or a car pool service that helps folks who get off at Unionville GO Station to access Markham Centre.
Overall, I love the community and everyone’s willingness to assist one another to make this a thriving hub. We work closely with a variety of organizations to help strategize and execute events that will make Markham and our hub known as a go-to for entrepreneurial activities.