Denison Street Extension - Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Study

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The Denison Street Extension Study will identify alternative design concepts and preferred solution for the potential Denison Street Extension from east of Markham Road to Ninth Line addressing existing network connectivity and congestion issues in the Box Grove Community.

The study is being conducted in accordance with the planning and design process for Schedule 'C' projects, as outlined in the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) process.

The study will serve both Markham residents and visitors to the area and will take into consideration area constraints when implementing the objectives and recommendations related to the study.

The objectives for study include:

  1. Review the alignment alternatives to support the transportation needs of the extension of Denison Street.
  2. Uphold key policy directions as well as recommendations in the York Region’s Transportation Improvements for Donald Cousens Parkway to Morningside Avenue Link Individual Environmental Assessment.
  3. Support alternative transportation options including pedestrian, cycling and transit connections, where existing and for future growth where available.
  4. Ensure an appropriate transition between the natural environment, cultural heritage and supporting social and economic environments.
  5. Ensure water and wastewater are effectively and efficiently managed.
  6. Respect and protect the residential community structure of Markham Box Grove.

Study Area


The Markham Transportation Strategic Plan (MTSP) identified the need for a potential extension of Denison Street to address existing network connectivity and congestion issues in Box Grove.

In 2013, a consultant was retained to review the feasibility of extending Denison Street to connect to either Ninth Line or Steeles Avenue taking into consideration constraints within the study area, as well as recommendations in the York Region’s Transportation Improvements - Donald Cousens Parkway to Morningside Avenue Link Individual Environmental Assessment (EA) Study (December 2005 and Amended July 2011).

The Feasibility Study was completed in 2014 outlining three alignment alternative options (Alternatives 1-3), and Markham Council also endorsed recommendations to include a forth option (Alternative 2A) as detailed below:

By reviewing and investigating the proposed alternative alignments, it will be determined which option will provide the best option to the extension of Denison Street, whilst maintaining traffic flows, environmental factors, public accessibility and safety.

Next Steps

  • Outlining Project Schedule
  • Determine Key Dates
  • Set up Public Consultation PC1 and PC2
  • Work with Consultant to review alignment alternatives
  • Keep this project page updated for community information.

The City of Markham welcomes feedback, questions and comments pertaining to this project.


The Denison Street Extension Study will identify alternative design concepts and preferred solution for the potential Denison Street Extension from east of Markham Road to Ninth Line addressing existing network connectivity and congestion issues in the Box Grove Community.

The study is being conducted in accordance with the planning and design process for Schedule 'C' projects, as outlined in the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) process.

The study will serve both Markham residents and visitors to the area and will take into consideration area constraints when implementing the objectives and recommendations related to the study.

The objectives for study include:

  1. Review the alignment alternatives to support the transportation needs of the extension of Denison Street.
  2. Uphold key policy directions as well as recommendations in the York Region’s Transportation Improvements for Donald Cousens Parkway to Morningside Avenue Link Individual Environmental Assessment.
  3. Support alternative transportation options including pedestrian, cycling and transit connections, where existing and for future growth where available.
  4. Ensure an appropriate transition between the natural environment, cultural heritage and supporting social and economic environments.
  5. Ensure water and wastewater are effectively and efficiently managed.
  6. Respect and protect the residential community structure of Markham Box Grove.

Study Area


The Markham Transportation Strategic Plan (MTSP) identified the need for a potential extension of Denison Street to address existing network connectivity and congestion issues in Box Grove.

In 2013, a consultant was retained to review the feasibility of extending Denison Street to connect to either Ninth Line or Steeles Avenue taking into consideration constraints within the study area, as well as recommendations in the York Region’s Transportation Improvements - Donald Cousens Parkway to Morningside Avenue Link Individual Environmental Assessment (EA) Study (December 2005 and Amended July 2011).

The Feasibility Study was completed in 2014 outlining three alignment alternative options (Alternatives 1-3), and Markham Council also endorsed recommendations to include a forth option (Alternative 2A) as detailed below:

By reviewing and investigating the proposed alternative alignments, it will be determined which option will provide the best option to the extension of Denison Street, whilst maintaining traffic flows, environmental factors, public accessibility and safety.

Next Steps

  • Outlining Project Schedule
  • Determine Key Dates
  • Set up Public Consultation PC1 and PC2
  • Work with Consultant to review alignment alternatives
  • Keep this project page updated for community information.

The City of Markham welcomes feedback, questions and comments pertaining to this project.

Get Involved and Have Your Say!

This is an opportunity to ask any questions that you have about the study. Some questions may be added under the FAQ section if it appears to be popular amongst the community. 

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  • Share Which alternative alignment is the least harmful to our natural environment? on Facebook Share Which alternative alignment is the least harmful to our natural environment? on Twitter Share Which alternative alignment is the least harmful to our natural environment? on Linkedin Email Which alternative alignment is the least harmful to our natural environment? link

    Which alternative alignment is the least harmful to our natural environment?

    Valerie12 asked almost 4 years ago

    We are in the preliminary stages currently. Once the Provincial lockdown is lifted, investigations on the alignment alternatives will continue. 

    Please follow this page on updates to all the information and progress on the project. A public consultation meeting will be an opportunity inquire for more information such as this question. 

    Thank you.

  • Share How will the extension help the south east residents of Markham? I live in Boxgrove, and I am fine with the existing streets to travel to and from my residents from the west to east, and vise versa. Most of the Steels Ave E & 14th Avenue E corridors are used also heavy by residents of Durham who use these two streets as an alternative to travel from Toronto toward to the east. An additional extension will not decrease traffic but only increase the volume traffic who live out in the Durham region, hence increasing the traffic and pollution in the South East Markham. As such the Denison extension will NOT be any useful for the residents of South East Markham. on Facebook Share How will the extension help the south east residents of Markham? I live in Boxgrove, and I am fine with the existing streets to travel to and from my residents from the west to east, and vise versa. Most of the Steels Ave E & 14th Avenue E corridors are used also heavy by residents of Durham who use these two streets as an alternative to travel from Toronto toward to the east. An additional extension will not decrease traffic but only increase the volume traffic who live out in the Durham region, hence increasing the traffic and pollution in the South East Markham. As such the Denison extension will NOT be any useful for the residents of South East Markham. on Twitter Share How will the extension help the south east residents of Markham? I live in Boxgrove, and I am fine with the existing streets to travel to and from my residents from the west to east, and vise versa. Most of the Steels Ave E & 14th Avenue E corridors are used also heavy by residents of Durham who use these two streets as an alternative to travel from Toronto toward to the east. An additional extension will not decrease traffic but only increase the volume traffic who live out in the Durham region, hence increasing the traffic and pollution in the South East Markham. As such the Denison extension will NOT be any useful for the residents of South East Markham. on Linkedin Email How will the extension help the south east residents of Markham? I live in Boxgrove, and I am fine with the existing streets to travel to and from my residents from the west to east, and vise versa. Most of the Steels Ave E & 14th Avenue E corridors are used also heavy by residents of Durham who use these two streets as an alternative to travel from Toronto toward to the east. An additional extension will not decrease traffic but only increase the volume traffic who live out in the Durham region, hence increasing the traffic and pollution in the South East Markham. As such the Denison extension will NOT be any useful for the residents of South East Markham. link

    How will the extension help the south east residents of Markham? I live in Boxgrove, and I am fine with the existing streets to travel to and from my residents from the west to east, and vise versa. Most of the Steels Ave E & 14th Avenue E corridors are used also heavy by residents of Durham who use these two streets as an alternative to travel from Toronto toward to the east. An additional extension will not decrease traffic but only increase the volume traffic who live out in the Durham region, hence increasing the traffic and pollution in the South East Markham. As such the Denison extension will NOT be any useful for the residents of South East Markham.

    Gandhi asked almost 4 years ago

    Thank you for your inquiry and comments.

    With this Environmental Assessment review of existing traffic conditions and projected traffic will be reviewed as the growth of the City of Markham's communities continue to grow and expand, and hence serving the residents of Markham primarily.

    Kindly continue to follow us through the  progress of this project with your comments and concerns. 

  • Share Why are we undertaking this when there has not been a single shovel in the ground for the much needed Steeles expansion? Should we not address that first. It has been outstanding for over a decade. on Facebook Share Why are we undertaking this when there has not been a single shovel in the ground for the much needed Steeles expansion? Should we not address that first. It has been outstanding for over a decade. on Twitter Share Why are we undertaking this when there has not been a single shovel in the ground for the much needed Steeles expansion? Should we not address that first. It has been outstanding for over a decade. on Linkedin Email Why are we undertaking this when there has not been a single shovel in the ground for the much needed Steeles expansion? Should we not address that first. It has been outstanding for over a decade. link

    Why are we undertaking this when there has not been a single shovel in the ground for the much needed Steeles expansion? Should we not address that first. It has been outstanding for over a decade.

    Brian C asked almost 4 years ago

    Thank you for your response. 

    Regarding any projects along Steeles Avenue, as this is a boundary arterial between municipalities, there is significant coordination to be undertaken for such projects. I will suggest for further information regarding any projects related to Steeles Avenue, please contact Markham's Contact Centre at 905.477. 5530 or email who can direct your inquiry more appropriately.

    For any other questions regarding this project, please do reach out and follow the progress as we welcome feedback from the public on your thoughts and questions. 

    Thank you.

  • Share Will traffic calming measures be implemented? There have been an uptick of speeders and street racers recently in the Box Grove area. on Facebook Share Will traffic calming measures be implemented? There have been an uptick of speeders and street racers recently in the Box Grove area. on Twitter Share Will traffic calming measures be implemented? There have been an uptick of speeders and street racers recently in the Box Grove area. on Linkedin Email Will traffic calming measures be implemented? There have been an uptick of speeders and street racers recently in the Box Grove area. link

    Will traffic calming measures be implemented? There have been an uptick of speeders and street racers recently in the Box Grove area.

    Andrew M. asked almost 4 years ago

    Thank you for bringing this traffic safety concern to the City of Markham's attention. For existing concerns, please contact the Contact Centre at 905.477. 5530 or e-mail who can direct your inquiry more accurately. 

    The Denison Street Extension design will review current road standards and policies. Traffic Calming measures will be reviewed as required. 

  • Share If approved when will construction it start? on Facebook Share If approved when will construction it start? on Twitter Share If approved when will construction it start? on Linkedin Email If approved when will construction it start? link

    If approved when will construction it start?

    JamesSina asked almost 4 years ago

    The construction timelines will be determined once the EA Study is completed and approved, as this is a separate process to the study. A more accurate timeline will be provided via this page, as we aim to provide as up to date information on this page, so please check back to follow our schedule.  

  • Share We are at Ralph Court Markham & Denison and all the trees needed to be trimmed it’s scratched our Cars when we at Canad post box to checking our mails on Facebook Share We are at Ralph Court Markham & Denison and all the trees needed to be trimmed it’s scratched our Cars when we at Canad post box to checking our mails on Twitter Share We are at Ralph Court Markham & Denison and all the trees needed to be trimmed it’s scratched our Cars when we at Canad post box to checking our mails on Linkedin Email We are at Ralph Court Markham & Denison and all the trees needed to be trimmed it’s scratched our Cars when we at Canad post box to checking our mails link

    We are at Ralph Court Markham & Denison and all the trees needed to be trimmed it’s scratched our Cars when we at Canad post box to checking our mails

    Krishna shukla asked almost 4 years ago

    Thank you for raising this concern. As this is a an existing situation not directly related to this study, you will find assistance by contacting the City of Markham's Contact Centre at 905-477-5530 or email who can best direct your concern. 

  • Share Will there be a connection with boxwood neighborhood? I was wondering as it would be very useful on Facebook Share Will there be a connection with boxwood neighborhood? I was wondering as it would be very useful on Twitter Share Will there be a connection with boxwood neighborhood? I was wondering as it would be very useful on Linkedin Email Will there be a connection with boxwood neighborhood? I was wondering as it would be very useful link

    Will there be a connection with boxwood neighborhood? I was wondering as it would be very useful

    Matthew13 asked almost 4 years ago

    Great question. The study will review how all alternatives will function with the current existing landscape and surrounding neighbourhoods, however currently the study is focused on the extension of Denison Street.

  • Share With the extension will there be connections to the boxwood neighborhood? With alternative 1 being very close i was wondering if there would be a pedestrian connection on Facebook Share With the extension will there be connections to the boxwood neighborhood? With alternative 1 being very close i was wondering if there would be a pedestrian connection on Twitter Share With the extension will there be connections to the boxwood neighborhood? With alternative 1 being very close i was wondering if there would be a pedestrian connection on Linkedin Email With the extension will there be connections to the boxwood neighborhood? With alternative 1 being very close i was wondering if there would be a pedestrian connection link

    With the extension will there be connections to the boxwood neighborhood? With alternative 1 being very close i was wondering if there would be a pedestrian connection

    Matthew13 asked almost 4 years ago

    Great question and one to keep in mind, however, currently there study is reviewing the extension of Denison Street only. 

  • Share Hello Markham, Alternative 1 is the way to go. on Facebook Share Hello Markham, Alternative 1 is the way to go. on Twitter Share Hello Markham, Alternative 1 is the way to go. on Linkedin Email Hello Markham, Alternative 1 is the way to go. link

    Hello Markham, Alternative 1 is the way to go.

    Simonji asked almost 4 years ago

    Thank you for your feedback and preference choice. 

  • Share What is happening to the golf course? How feasible is alternative 1 or are the other alternatives better? on Facebook Share What is happening to the golf course? How feasible is alternative 1 or are the other alternatives better? on Twitter Share What is happening to the golf course? How feasible is alternative 1 or are the other alternatives better? on Linkedin Email What is happening to the golf course? How feasible is alternative 1 or are the other alternatives better? link

    What is happening to the golf course? How feasible is alternative 1 or are the other alternatives better?

    sandyne12 asked about 4 years ago

    Currently we are reviewing the alternatives and also the effect of the options on the golf course. Whichever alternative is chosen, the idea is to mitigate impacts to the golf course and surrounding lands. 

Page published: 19 Mar 2021, 07:22 PM