Elgin Mills Road East Widening - Woodbine Avenue to Warden Avenue
The City of Markham is commencing the detailed design for the widening of Elgin Mills Road, from Woodbine Avenue to Warden Avenue.
The City has retained WSP Canada Inc., to provide detailed design consulting services for this project. Pre-Design Notices are being distributed to stakeholders and impacted residents.
Study Area
Elgin Mills Road East is located in the northern portion of the City of Markham and extends from Highway 404 east to beyond McCowan Road. Study area of this detailed design study includes the section of Elgin Mills Road East from Woodbine Avenue to Warden Avenue as shown in the map below.
The goal of the project is to widen Elgin Mills Road East from Woodbine Avenue to Warden Avenue with supporting infrastructures to accommodate traffic growth and developments in the Future Urban Area (FUA).
Scope of Work
This project involves engineering design for the widening of Elgin Mills Road from Woodbine Avenue to Warden Avenue, from 2 lanes (rural cross section) to 4 lanes (urban cross section), along with other infrastructure upgrades. The general scope of work includes:
- Widening of Elgin Mills Road East from Woodbine Avenue to Warden Avenue from existing two-lane rural cross section to a four-lane urban cross section
- New active transportation facility and sidewalk on both sides of Elgin Mills Road
- New signalized intersections
- Improvements to existing intersections
- New/upgrade streetlighting
- Proposed storm sewers and Low Impact Development (LID) installations
- Creek crossing improvements
- Utility Relocation to accommodate the Elgin Mills Road widening
Background - Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) Study
Prior to the initiation of this project, the City completed a Schedule C, Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) Study for Elgin Mills Road East, from Woodbine Avenue to McCowan Road. The EA identified alternative transportation network design concepts and selected preferred solution of improvements.
During the EA study stage, two Public Information Centres (PICs) were held in February 2021 and October 2021, to review study findings and receive public feedback. An Environmental Study Report (ESR) was prepared in December 2023 to document the EA process, alternatives considered, findings and recommendations. The preferred alignment and design concept of Elgin Mills Road widening, as set out in the ESR, was presented to and endorsed by the City’s council in December 2023.
The Notice of Completion was sent out to stakeholders and impacted residents on January 12, 2024, and the ESR was posted for public review for a 30-day review period that ended on February 12, 2024.
For more information about the Municipal Class EA Study for Elgin Mills Road East, and the reports and documents completed during the EA Study, please visit yourvoicemarkham.ca/ElginMillsEA