What is a Transportation Master Plan?

    A Transportation Master Plan (TMP) is the City’s long-term strategy to address evolving transportation needs. It acts as a guide for implementing policies and infrastructure improvements that provide safe, sustainable, and inclusive mobility options for all modes—walking, cycling, transit, and driving.

    Why is a Transportation Master Plan needed?

    TMPs are dynamic frameworks designed to adapt to changing circumstances. They are periodically updated (approximately every five years) to align with new municipal, regional, and provincial plans and policies, growth forecasts, and emerging best practices. A TMP ensures the transportation network evolves to meet future demands and supports the City’s vision for sustainable development and enhanced connectivity.

    What is the Transportation Master Plan process?

    The TMP will be conducted in accordance with the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process for Master Plans under the Environmental Assessment Act. It will satisfy the following:

    • Phase 1: Identify transportation-related problems and opportunities.
    • Phase 2: Evaluate and recommend solutions to address these needs.