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The City of Markham is undertaking a study to inform the development of a new secondary plan for the Markville Community.

What are we doing and why?

The City of Markham's Official Plan 2014 identifies the need for a new secondary plan for Markville.

The City of Markham has initiated the Markville Secondary Plan Study to inform the preparation of a new Secondary Plan. The study will address land use and urban design, transportation and municipal servicing to support the development of a sustainable and complete community.

The study area is approximately 110 hectares and consists of the Markville Key Development Area, and within it, the Bullock Drive Employment Area. Key Development Areas are intensification areas supported by transit that can accommodate a variety of housing choices and employment opportunities.

Markville is centrally located in the City’s urban area, supported by key destinations such as the CF Markville Mall, Centennial Community Centre, and the Centennial GO station. The Secondary Plan area as shown in purple is imagined to become a mixed-use key development area comprising employment and residential development in single use and mixed use settings, providing for office, retail, service, entertainment and recreational uses, and a variety of higher density housing types. The Bullock Drive Employment Area as shown in blue will continue to be protected for employment uses.

How can I get involved?

We are planning a future for YOUR Markville, and we want to hear from you to ensure the Secondary Plan reflects the needs and ideas of the people who live, work, shop and play in the community. To get involved:

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Provide your input via the "feedback" tabs

Thank you for taking the time to learn more! This website is your one-stop-shop for information about the project, timelines, updates, and news about upcoming engagement events. Don’t forget to share your input through the tools found at the bottom of this page.

The City of Markham is undertaking a study to inform the development of a new secondary plan for the Markville Community.

What are we doing and why?

The City of Markham's Official Plan 2014 identifies the need for a new secondary plan for Markville.

The City of Markham has initiated the Markville Secondary Plan Study to inform the preparation of a new Secondary Plan. The study will address land use and urban design, transportation and municipal servicing to support the development of a sustainable and complete community.

The study area is approximately 110 hectares and consists of the Markville Key Development Area, and within it, the Bullock Drive Employment Area. Key Development Areas are intensification areas supported by transit that can accommodate a variety of housing choices and employment opportunities.

Markville is centrally located in the City’s urban area, supported by key destinations such as the CF Markville Mall, Centennial Community Centre, and the Centennial GO station. The Secondary Plan area as shown in purple is imagined to become a mixed-use key development area comprising employment and residential development in single use and mixed use settings, providing for office, retail, service, entertainment and recreational uses, and a variety of higher density housing types. The Bullock Drive Employment Area as shown in blue will continue to be protected for employment uses.

How can I get involved?

We are planning a future for YOUR Markville, and we want to hear from you to ensure the Secondary Plan reflects the needs and ideas of the people who live, work, shop and play in the community. To get involved:

Subscribe to receive project updates using the "stay informed" tab

Participate in upcoming engagement events

Provide your input via the "feedback" tabs


Please use this space to provide general feedback and comments on the Markville Secondary Plan Study

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I am writing in support of the Markville Secondary Plan. The plan will bring thousands of much-needed residential units to Markham at a time when housing prices are at the highest they have ever been in Canadian history. This plan will also create plenty of jobs and provide space for hundreds of storefronts and offices, which will stimulate Markham’s economy. Furthermore, the plan will put residential units closer to areas of work and leisure. Combined with investments in public transit, this means that people will be able to take a short walk or bus ride to where they want to go instead of having to take a car, resulting in lower carbon emissions and shorter travel times.

Unfortunately, there is a small but vocal opposition to this plan, claiming that this development will be detrimental to the city. However, amendments can be made so that new infrastructure, such as schools and medical buildings, are added in addition to new units, as well as amendments to the density of the area. In times of a housing crisis, there is no reason to cancel new developments entirely.

Furthermore, it is basic economics that the more of something there is, the less expensive it will be. Conversely, the less of something there is, the more expensive it will be. This is especially true when housing prices are at a historic high and the federal government plans on bringing in up to 500 000 new immigrants every year. There is just no getting around the fact that the only way to solve this housing crisis is to build more homes at higher densities.

In a time of sky-high housing prices, it has been all too common that proposals for critically-needed developments are shot down by a vocal minority. A vote against the Markville Secondary Plan is a vote in favour of higher housing prices.

lunadial 4 months ago

I live across from Markville Mall. Although I understand the need for more housing, the focus of this proposal has become blatantly obvious. The mall is looking to profit from this project and the city of Markham is not being honest with the residents. What plans are in place, prior to this project being started, to increase the capacity for schools and hospitals? The idea that most of the 40,000 new residents would not use the existing roads for work etc, is wishful thinking. They cannot all work at the mall or be able to use transit of one kind or another. Has the city looked at the existing congestion on Hwy 7, McCowan or Bullock Rd? Traffic in and out of the mall parking lot are not going to get less. People are still tied to their cars when shopping. What in heavens name is the city playing at? Mayor Scarpetti, if the recent town hall doesn't tell you that this plan is being seen as a hand in glove project with CF and a pure money grab, not sure what you need to hear to convince you that this project should not be brought forward in it's existing form. When city planners are looking to add needed housing in Markham, the very least they should do is plan the NEEDED INFRASTRUCTURE around it and implement that infrastructure BEFORE going ahead with a proposal for housing. Common sense should dictate that, no?

Soupsoggy 4 months ago

I am in favour of moderate development along major arteries to accommodate our growing population, but PLEASE do not follow downtown Toronto's example and build so many multi-story buildings in such a small area. Our neighbourhoods will be forever changed for the worse with these behemoths towering over us. They will be visible from every corner of Markham, and will not be a pleasant sight. Please limit the height of the new buildings to no more than the existing ones on Austin drive.

Marcos 5 months ago

The residents don't matter at all. The people who want this don't live in the community. If they did they would know how bad the situation is as other residents have said already. All they're looking for is to line their wallets by building.

Look how long it took for downtown Markham to get to the point it is now in 2023. It's still not done. Here we go wanting to build more...

BossLaw 5 months ago

There are numerous reasons why this plan would negatively affect the residents of Markham. Our commercial and community resources are already stretched thin given the current population. By introducing more residents and not providing the infrastructure to support them there will be additional strain.

Traffic in the area is already at capacity even during the day let alone rush hour. This introduces more danger to pedestrians and the environment. Cars sitting idly in traffic will create more pollution and stress to drivers.

Basil 5 months ago

This development plan is the most disgusting and destructive one I ever heard of. It deviously goes against any normal human habitat, aimed ,not at building community but to totally destroying it.
It has no regard whatsoever for the existing area resident’s quality of life, nor for the poor prospective masses to be jam-packed in the already too small parking area of the Mall.
The Mall is basically dedicated to commerce nothing else,
Even now, the daily Mall parking is overcrowded and on typical Holiday shopping days, already customers are creating havoc by parking in the surrounding residential streets. The non stop traffic jams in the area 24/7 is very hard to take as it is, now 44,000 new condos will certainly not help, and no recreational cycle / walking lanes will solve this problem. When people go shopping for grocery, they go with their car, nobody would take public transport carrying a trunk full of grocery. Finally I agree with all the other angry comments regarding the: insufficient over crowded conditions in existing facilities, services ( like Hospital, family doctors, and waiting periods of some medical specialists up to a year! ) Go develop the northern unpopulated areas, leave our living space alone. Let the greedy developers make some good over in those areas! WE need more roads, not 100,000 more new residents!

John51 5 months ago

Mccowan is already so backed up. The roads need to be fixed. When Birchmount was closed for a month, it caused so much congestion on Warden and Kennedy and McCowan is already ridiculous. You can’t just add more places without thinking of the traffic.

sashlynnc 6 months ago

No over-development. look at the traffic! look for the future of Markham, look for the future for our kids. Please give us a better plan.

T99 6 months ago

I strongly OPPOSE this project. Markville area has enough problem due to lack of public resource to support population growth for the pass years. Traffic congestion during rush hours, driving southbound McCowan packed with cars from Bur Oak to highway 7. 6 mobile homes put in Markville secondary school but still having student living near by cannot go to their home school. Go train packed with people going Toronto in the morning and back in the afternoon, a lot of people have to stand close to an hour without a seat on the train. Hospital emergency room wait time over 7 to 13 hours. Kids cannot book the program their want in community center. A lot of people couldn't find family doctor. City need to focus on resolving existing issues that residents are suffering daily, not to make the situation worse.

zhuom 7 months ago

As a resident of Markham I'm very pleased to see this happen. I'm proud of Markham for taking the leadership role in building higher density. I just hope that we are able to keep up with services needed to sustain that, such as sufficient education and healthcare infrastructure. Markham needs to be a leader in increasing density and improving housing access.

klewis 7 months ago

I thought the City of Markham was going to focus on building condos in the Downtown Markham area. All that land nestled between the Rouge River and 407 is perfect for future intensification. Isn't that the plan? Why are we now going to add even more intensification to the Markville area??? This seems like we are biting off more than we can chew. We should focus our future development in the Downtown Markham area and leave the other neighbourhoods alone. I understand that building condos around Markville is a great way for Cadillac Fairview to make a ton of money, but it seems like a horrible idea for the rest of us.

Cliff35 7 months ago

This plan does not put the residents of Markham in mind. This project is only for profit in which we, the Markham community, will have to pay for financially and figuratively.

The traffic around Markville Mall and Markham ingeneral has increased with no real solution set in place. Now you're telling me you're building condos surrounding this mall with no plans to resolve existing and future traffic issues? Makes no sense. We all know that if you're living in Markham you must own a car to get anywhere, so to surround a mall with condos, which the mall was built to cater to drivers, is the most ridiculous thing I've heard.

I do not see any benefits for Markham residents with this development. All it's doing is overcrowding an area that the surrounding exsiting communities use commute to work and everything else. This is not a city where everyone can walk down the street and do all their shopping, or take a subway to go to work. The Majority of residents have to go through hoops to get to where they want to go, either driving or making multiple transfers with public transportation.

I've read the documents provided and it's all about how to exploit the existing area for profitable gain. In reality we do not need variable sky rises or to shape the identity of Markville. We need to focus more on real community developments that focuses on our current infrastructures. This plan would make a lot more sense in Markham Downtown, not in the middle if an existing community that is already struggling with traffic issues.

All the good things presented in this project like the focus on such as, parks, bicycle lanes, and "better public transit" can all be done without the need of these condos.

As a Markham resident of over 20 years, this is a hard PASS.

Buroak 7 months ago

I live across the street from Markville and I’m completely against this plan. I’ve lived here for 30 years and the traffic congestion within the surrounding area has increased to a level where what use to take 15 minutes to drive to now takes 40 minutes. The City of Markham Planning department has created a complete mess and I have absolutely no faith or confidence that this behaviour will changing.
Still outstanding is the extension of the rapid transit along this corridor. The combination of unwanted development at Markville and the rapid transit expansion will create an unsuitable environment for anyone living within this area.
I believe it is imperative that opposition to this plan can be obtained by reaching out to residents in the condominiums of both 25 & 55 Austin Drive and the Hunt Club condo (all 3 Tridel buildings). They are all controlled by the same management company and residents have voiced a high opposition to this plan.

bcreative 7 months ago

The plan for more condominiums around Markville mall will worsen the traffic conditions that are already unbearable. Before adding more housing, we need to focus on road expansions or something to improve the congestion that surrounds the mall. The increase in population will affect school class sizes and property value in a negative way. We cannot have this! Markham is such a great and safe community as of now. This will throw that all away.

Concernedmama 7 months ago

I strongly OPPOSE this project. We need more roads not more houses that cause extreme traffic. What about the fact that hospitals are already overcrowded and we need more of those to help support the new residents the city is inviting? Or the fact that schools will be overpopulated as well? Public transportation via Toronto and Markham also needs work. Stop developing. Focus on the core issues before it's too late to make change.

Anon12345 7 months ago

No!! It is already congested and this will make it worse! We don’t have enough spots in class, hospital is crowded, everywhere is crowded. This is a bad idea!!

mc 7 months ago

100% no to this project. There has been no improvement to the infrastructure in this area in the past many years. The existing traffic in the area is already chaotic enough. There's not enough school, roads, hospital and all else thats necessary to support this project

Jacky 7 months ago

NO, NO, NO....this markville mall development needs to be scaled back....Make it further out, north of stouville, why create more congestion/gridlock/tax or resources etc. NO, NO, and a BIG NOOOOO!!!!

dnita 7 months ago

I’m all for more housing but this plan make zero sense. Not only will this area be completely destroyed by traffic which is already a major issue in Markham but the impact this will have on our health services will be detrimental. Before any plan for enormous development that would add 50k residents to the already overpopulated city there needs to be massive improvements to the health care and infrastructure of the city.

Mrotella 7 months ago

I am totally against this plan. Classes are cramped at Markham District High School and Markville HS. Not even enough classes for the kids. The new transit hub by Markham Stouffville is to meet the demands in the area. The government should have a better solution. Markham residents should not be burdened.

Ckbc 7 months ago
Page last updated: 05 Feb 2024, 02:17 PM