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The City of Markham is undertaking a study to inform the development of a new secondary plan for the Markville Community.

What are we doing and why?

The City of Markham's Official Plan 2014 identifies the need for a new secondary plan for Markville.

The City of Markham has initiated the Markville Secondary Plan Study to inform the preparation of a new Secondary Plan. The study will address land use and urban design, transportation and municipal servicing to support the development of a sustainable and complete community.

The study area is approximately 110 hectares and consists of the Markville Key Development Area, and within it, the Bullock Drive Employment Area. Key Development Areas are intensification areas supported by transit that can accommodate a variety of housing choices and employment opportunities.

Markville is centrally located in the City’s urban area, supported by key destinations such as the CF Markville Mall, Centennial Community Centre, and the Centennial GO station. The Secondary Plan area as shown in purple is imagined to become a mixed-use key development area comprising employment and residential development in single use and mixed use settings, providing for office, retail, service, entertainment and recreational uses, and a variety of higher density housing types. The Bullock Drive Employment Area as shown in blue will continue to be protected for employment uses.

How can I get involved?

We are planning a future for YOUR Markville, and we want to hear from you to ensure the Secondary Plan reflects the needs and ideas of the people who live, work, shop and play in the community. To get involved:

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Provide your input via the "feedback" tabs

Thank you for taking the time to learn more! This website is your one-stop-shop for information about the project, timelines, updates, and news about upcoming engagement events. Don’t forget to share your input through the tools found at the bottom of this page.

The City of Markham is undertaking a study to inform the development of a new secondary plan for the Markville Community.

What are we doing and why?

The City of Markham's Official Plan 2014 identifies the need for a new secondary plan for Markville.

The City of Markham has initiated the Markville Secondary Plan Study to inform the preparation of a new Secondary Plan. The study will address land use and urban design, transportation and municipal servicing to support the development of a sustainable and complete community.

The study area is approximately 110 hectares and consists of the Markville Key Development Area, and within it, the Bullock Drive Employment Area. Key Development Areas are intensification areas supported by transit that can accommodate a variety of housing choices and employment opportunities.

Markville is centrally located in the City’s urban area, supported by key destinations such as the CF Markville Mall, Centennial Community Centre, and the Centennial GO station. The Secondary Plan area as shown in purple is imagined to become a mixed-use key development area comprising employment and residential development in single use and mixed use settings, providing for office, retail, service, entertainment and recreational uses, and a variety of higher density housing types. The Bullock Drive Employment Area as shown in blue will continue to be protected for employment uses.

How can I get involved?

We are planning a future for YOUR Markville, and we want to hear from you to ensure the Secondary Plan reflects the needs and ideas of the people who live, work, shop and play in the community. To get involved:

Subscribe to receive project updates using the "stay informed" tab

Participate in upcoming engagement events

Provide your input via the "feedback" tabs


Please use this space to provide general feedback and comments on the Markville Secondary Plan Study

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Strongly against this plan!!

Zhangan 11 months ago

The problem with this proposed plan is that there are recognized issues that needs to be addressed.

Both Hwy 7 and McCowan are well known by the residents to be very busy and difficult to drive on. Unless we need to go down those routes, we would try our best to avoid it because of how busy it gets. By choosing to add more residential homes which increases the amount of people living in one area, it will further strain an infrastructure not built to handle the amount of people being added.

We have for many years asked you to help us in building better infrastructure and improving our transit system to make it easier for the residents of Markham to be able to go from place to place without needing to drive. However, instead of listening to the needs of your community and addressing actual concerns, you choose to mask these issues and plan to build more resident homes.

The question is this, are these choices made to benefit your community or is it made to benefit you (the people behind these plans to further increase the amount of people congesting in one place to further strain an already strained system).

I implore you to recognize that your community is asking you to stop. Use our tax dollars to better benefit our community and refrain from using it to continue to further harm us.

LISTEN to your community as the FEEDBACK is loud and clear.

makebetterdecisions 11 months ago


applelili 11 months ago

One more thing, to be fair , if you want to hear the true voice, you can simply put a flyer into the mailbox for all residential living around Markville Mall. I suggest a super small square area ( Hwy 7 and 16th , McCowan and Kennedy) for sampling first, I don’t want to waste the tax dollar. I’m sure majority of people around are strongly oppose this plan, because we are SUFFERING for long already. All of us want the traffic to be improve , not getting worst.

Today 11 months ago

We strongly oppose this plan.

Areas arround Markville Mall were already very crowded and unsafe due the over populated. We have been lived there for years and felt obviously that the traffic jam happened much more often than before and the indoor robbery which happened years ago now occoured very often although the police station wasn't that far. No to mention the kid's education resouces / human medical resouces, these would be all severely impacted if this idiot plan implemented.


zhuyun123 11 months ago

While most would agree that more green space and safe community space is needed, the main concern is feasibility due to traffic from 16th (and likely Major Mac in the future) going north/south towards the Hwy. 407. How we can divert the traffic is an important prior to considering this plan. How are people using this traffic corridor?

What are the demographics? My observation living 5 min. from this area, we have many that are retirement age and I see a growing number of young families. Future plans should accommodate those demographics - more family friendly zones and community centers. Medium density housing is OK, as long as appropriate green space, amenities are planned in tandem. Planning should mindfully aim to cultivate safe community for all ages whilst tackling existing problem of congestion.

gps1078 11 months ago

I strongly oppose this plan.
This plan just simply increases the condensate of residents but no increase in the city service and facility. The traffic condition will be terrible worsen. Crime and pollution will increase, then the living environment will be bad in this area.

PageSmith 11 months ago

I strongly oppose this plan. It is getting more and more traffic on McCowan and Hwy 7 after more new townhouses around. We don’t have subway and here is not downtown Toronto, we all drive to leave home , am I suppose to spend 2 more hours on traffic per day because you want to squeeze more people in this area ?

Do you know how I feel every morning when I see cars / trucks always stays in the intersection when my traffic light is green? This is the traffic that we are dealing with every day during rush hours.

Why you added so many new “no turn right on red” signs around recently? Whyyyyy ? Please answer your own action !!! The reason is you know the increased of high traffic on both vehicles and people across the streets. However , you still wants to add more people and vehicles in this area. Do you think the “sign” can help to avoid / reduce accidents ?? Or increasing more people and vehicles will not increase accident ? Where is the logic coming from ? Or you are planning to add those sign on each intersection and make all people to laugh at you.

Do you know the line up from north to south (hwy7) is always up to Bur Oak during rush hours ? The existing traffic is no hope already. I have zero tolerance to get it worst.

On my drive way , do you know how many cars got searched at night? Once my hubby (first time in his life ) forgot to lock the car around 7-9pm weeknight during Fall, his car already got search and his bag was open. I’m talking about between 7-9pm.

We are already suffering in the current situation. You are not here for help. You are here to ask us to suffer more.

Today 11 months ago

Everything will become worse if the project implements. I definitely oppose the project.

Davidtjcn 11 months ago

For those not living around this area, may not know how cloud it is even over the weekend! even for the plan 1, to add 40k people in this area is really ridiculous plan! 1000000000% reject!

markham resident 11 months ago

The traffic around the area has already been very bad and go train station is very full already. With more condo and people coming if the project is placed, the situation will be even worse. I strongly oppose the project of building so many condos here!

Davidfromearth 11 months ago

As a 18 year resident of Markville community, I have a strong concern on the proposed project to bring 40k to 50k people into this community. The Markville community only has 1% of the total land of Markham, but proposed to welcome potentially 10% of total Markham’s population? And this hasn’t included the current residents living in this area. People had already mentioned concerns on traffic, education, shopping, health care, entertainment, etc. I cannot see any potential benefit of this project to people who are living in this area now. There are so many empty land in the north, affordable housing and attached facilities can be built here. Of course, the condos to be built in the north won’t be as pricy as in the Markville area, so the builders cannot be as profitable as here. But as a local resident, I don’t want to sacrifice myself to allow greedy builders ruin my community.
I vote against this project. Also, since the people who will get most impact are people live right beside or near the red dot circle in your proposed map. There should be a communication letter in multi language sent to each house or condo and get feedback. I believe there are still many people not aware of this project living in this area. We should have a final say to what our community look like, not city planner who might even not living in Markham.

Emily2023 11 months ago

Getting in/out of markville mall is already hard as is, and the traffic around here is really bad even shoulder hours. We don’t have enough room in the high school to support the new resident families. The high rise are directly looking into our neighbourhood a backyard, absolutely against this idea is very irresponsible and all for profit in mind.

isaaronchang 11 months ago

I strongly support the increased density around this location. Markville Mall is one of the most important employment areas, shopping centres and destinations in the city, as it stands, the oversized parking lot which surrounds Markville Mall today is immensely wasted potential for such a prime location. Creating a walkable, mixed-use community of parkland, mid-rises and condos with Markville Mall as its anchor would be the perfect use of this land. The single-use, detached homes of Markham are not sustainable going into the future, and if this plan goes through, I believe the additional, denser housing would not only create a lively, walkable community but also relieve some of the sky-high prices of the housing market today.

Traffic concerns are one of the main concerns brought up, and though they're very understandable, I believe they're just as misplaced. A walkable community with all daily necessities, such as grocery stores, workplaces etc. in walking distance as proposed here wouldn't require its residents to own cars in order to get around, making any contribution to traffic congestion marginal at worst. In addition, if the plans for a Bus-Rapid-Transit system go through, the high-density development around Markville Mall would create the ridership base necessary to justify higher frequencies and better, more consistent service. This would create the conditions necessary to draw more people away from cars and instead to transit, as it would be considered a viable alternative, decreasing congestion and improving traffic, rather than worsening it as many here have suggested.

I hope our planners and politicians are able to see the obvious benefits of this proposal and go through with the plan despite its opposition. With the right infrastructure and planning, many concerns, like congestion or infrastructure, can be easily avoided while still reaping the same benefits of increased housing supply and walkability. I truly hope that the ambitious, mixed-use redevelopment of this underutilized land becomes a reality.

J386 11 months ago

This is completely a poorly planned development plan, and I strongly believe that the city should review what this plan is proposing and the current situation in the Markville area.

First of all, the traffic conditions currently around the McCowan and Hwy 7 region are already horrendous, taking into account the traffic that flows through the intersection and the traffic going through the mall/plaza/neighbours and transit stations. There are also frequent traffic jams that occur on the daily, on or off rush hours. The city isn't planned out for denser population centres around the current intersection. Everyone around the area heavily relies on that intersection as it is unlike regions in Toronto; the next major intersections are over 2km away in all directions, with almost no other route that can redirect traffic.

The layout for transit isn't going to support any denser population than now. Wait times vary drastically, and we currently rely on the TTC on roads like McCowan, which alone isn't very efficient and effective. The only transit that residents can rely on is the GO transit which their stations cannot support more parking than they currently have. Not to mention during rush hours, which transits are supposed to RELIVE traffic situations, no one is able to get on or off, which is a whole other accessibility issue.

Public sectors aren't just gonna be added due to this project. What are the additional and current residences going to do during health emergencies? Bring stress on the already busy Markham Stouffville Hospital and wait over the current 2-hour+ wait times in ER? What about the police and fire? Education? There are no elementary schools behind Markville Plaza, so where are all the young kids going to study? Markville secondary school resources also cannot support such a large increase in the student population, and who is going to feel the impact of that? What about the Milne conservation area that protects the rouge river? Environmental impacts?

So unless all these aspects regarding the development plan and the impact it has on the community are carefully thought through, cramming 50,000 people into such a dense area isn't the best idea.

reg.markhamresident 11 months ago

I strongly object to the Markville Secondary Plan. As a local resident living here for over a decade, I naturally care about the future of the community and wish it all the best. However, I found this plan has nowhere to address the current burning issues around traffic, education, day care, medical resources etc which are daily headaches of many residents; the plan if executed would only aggravate these issues. For example, my daughter’s Grade 10 class in Markville secondary school is already having over30 students now (last year the number was 36) and the teachers are not able to provide feedback to students’ academic inquiries due to too many students. I have quite some neighbours struggling with getting family doctors in Markham. Also the difficulties with day care registry for helpless moms. Not to say the heavy traffic jams at highway 7 and McCowan, one of the most accident prone areas in York Region, and the crowded Centennial Go that see people struggling with parking spots and a go train seat. This area should not be crammed with another 40-50 k people which would only make everybody’s life even more miserable including new comers since we would all be fighting for these resources. We need a sustainable community, a livable community, a community with an appropriate density of population where all above issues are adequately addressed, and a community that we are all proud of as we take care our residents and we care about the future.

BestWishesMarkham 11 months ago

I am writing to express my strong opposition to the Markville Secondary Plan as a concerned Markham resident. It is essential that the voices of the community are heard and taken into consideration when making decisions that directly impact our city's future.

One of the primary reasons for my objection to the plan is the existing traffic congestion in the area. As a resident, I experience daily traffic jams that have not been adequately addressed by the Markham government. It is concerning to see the proposal for further development without a clear solution to the existing traffic problems. Before introducing additional traffic to the area, it is crucial to prioritize resolving the current issues to ensure the smooth flow of transportation for all residents.

Furthermore, the development plan fails to address the need for essential community facilities such as schools, daycares, and medical offices. As a concerned resident, I have reviewed the plan and have not seen any provisions for the expansion or construction of new schools to accommodate the growing population. The current schools in the area are already operating beyond their capacity, and it is imperative that the educational needs of our community are met adequately.

Additionally, the absence of daycare facilities and medical offices in the proposed plan raises concerns about the accessibility of vital services for the new residents. It is essential to ensure that the infrastructure development is comprehensive and includes provisions for essential community amenities to support the well-being of all residents.

Given the magnitude of this development plan, I strongly believe that it should be put to a vote and require the input of all Markham residents. Decisions of this scale and significance should be made collectively, considering the perspectives and concerns of the community.

I urge you to take these concerns seriously and reevaluate the Markville Secondary Plan with a focus on addressing existing traffic issues, providing adequate educational facilities, and ensuring the availability of essential community services. The involvement and engagement of all Markham residents are crucial to ensure a sustainable and prosperous future for our city.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I kindly request that you consider my concerns and those of fellow residents as the plan progresses.

jindui_99 11 months ago

I strongly oppose this plan. I would like to express my deep concerns and frustrations regarding the proposed Markville Mall secondary plan that appears to overlook critical aspects such as traffic management, safety measures, access to parks, and the development of schools. As a concerned resident of our neighborhood community , I feel compelled to voice my objections and urge you to take immediate action.

Firstly, traffic congestion has become an increasingly pervasive issue in our community. The proposed secondary plan seems to disregard the impact of additional development on our already strained road infrastructure. Neglecting proper traffic management measures will undoubtedly exacerbate the problem, leading to longer commute times, increased frustration among residents, and even potential safety hazards on our roads. I strongly urge you to consider the long-term consequences of this plan on our city's traffic flow and prioritize the implementation of suitable solutions.

Furthermore, the lack of attention given to safety concerns in the secondary plan is disconcerting. A comprehensive approach that incorporates safety measures such as pedestrian-friendly infrastructure, well-lit streets, and adequate signage is crucial for the well-being of our residents. Neglecting safety considerations could compromise the security and peace of mind of our community members. I implore you to ensure that safety remains a top priority throughout the planning process.

Crime prevention and public safety are fundamental responsibilities of local governance. However, the proposed secondary plan seems to neglect the impact of additional development on the crime rate within our community. Failing to consider the potential consequences and implement appropriate measures to mitigate crime risks puts the well-being and security of our residents at stake. It is imperative that you address this oversight and take proactive steps to ensure that our community remains a safe place to live, work, and raise families.

In addition to traffic and safety, the secondary plan fails to adequately address the preservation and development of parks and recreational spaces. Parks play a vital role in promoting physical and mental well-being, providing spaces for relaxation, community gatherings, and outdoor activities. Neglecting the inclusion of parks in the plan not only deprives our residents of these essential amenities but also hinders the city's ability to foster a healthy and vibrant environment. It is crucial to prioritize the preservation and creation of green spaces for the betterment of our community.

Lastly, the inadequate consideration given to the development and expansion of schools in the secondary plan is deeply troubling. As our city grows, it is vital to ensure that our educational institutions have the capacity to accommodate the increasing population. Neglecting the development of schools will place undue strain on existing educational facilities, potentially compromising the quality of education provided to our children. I urge you to take into account the future needs of our community and prioritize the expansion of educational infrastructure accordingly.

In conclusion, I strongly oppose the current secondary plan, which overlooks critical aspects such as traffic management, safety measures, crime prevention, access to parks, and the development of schools. I kindly request that you actively address these concerns, consider the long-term implications, and take immediate action to rectify the shortcomings of the plan. Our community deserves a well-planned, sustainable, and safe environment that prioritizes the needs of its residents. The plan should be discontinued before due considerations are given to all these factors.

H. Wu 11 months ago

As a Markham resident who lives every close to the proximity, I am strongly against this project. The intersection is constantly congested even during non rush hours. The area is indeed very saturated. Schools and community is overloaded. Infrastructures are not able to support the current amount of residents already. Daycare waiting lists are long. It's impossible to find a family doctor/paediatrician. Centennial go station parking is full even after the pandemic where a huge population is still working from home. Imagine what it will be like if everyone is to go back to office. Shopping mall parking gets filled up easily on weekends, not to mention shopping peak seasons. I can't think of a single reason to support this plan. I agree on developing Markham, but not in this area.

lyt0101 11 months ago

I am against this project as Markham resident.
So far in this area traffic jam every day. Markham government never address this issue. Now they are bring more traffic in. First they need resolve current traffic problem. For the development plan, I did see how to resolve traffic , where is the school, daycare, medicine office. They all don't show on the plan, Current school already over capacity. 40,000-50,000 new resident development plans NEEDS ALL MARKHAM people VOTE.

cathyyu100 11 months ago
Page last updated: 05 Feb 2024, 02:17 PM